Feb 23, 2010 New Art Added

With each new caricature I find that my art is progressing. With this new print I think I have created a really cool looking art work. I have finally finished the E-2C Hawkeye. This aircraft flew with VAW-113 “The World Famous Black Eagles”. I had an opportunity to photograph this aircraft at the Pt. Mugu airshow several years ago. She is painted as the squadrons colorful aircraft and carries the Commander of the Air Group’s (CVW-14) name, Capt. “Miser” Thayer and the Deputy CAG’s name, Capt. Kevin “KC” Albright. The tail markings include each squadrons colors in CVW-14. At the time VAW-113 was station at it’s home port of Pt Mugu and assigned to CVW-14 and the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. Let’s here it from all you Hawkeye fans out there. Let me know what you think. Your squadron could be next.

I hope to be adding Reaper caricature very soon, have a great week.

Feb 13, 2010 New Art Added

This time we add some new art, focusing one two versions of the same base aircraft. McDonnell Douglas’s DC-10. First we have the Air Force KC-10-30CF Extender. The 60th Air Mobility Wing as well as the 349th AMW (Air Force Reserve) based at Travis AFB in California operate this particular aircraft, s/n 82-0193. The print includes all the patches for the 60th and 349th as well as the 4 squadrons that share this aircraft. The 6th and 9th ARS active duty, and the 70th, and 74th ARS, Air Force Reserve. (artist note, as I type these words I see that there is a typo in the text of the test print that will be corrected on the final prints.)

Second up is a DC-10-40 that was operated by Northwest Airlines. N238NW is shown in what has affectionately been call the “Bowling Shoe” livery.

In conjunction with the Northwest print, I have created a new version with special background graphics. I call this the Northwest Farewell print. In 2009 Northwest merged with Delta Airlines. I decided that to mark the end of an airline that can trace its roots back to the golden age of flight I would put together a special print. This unique print has special background graphics. These graphics include the Northwest logo carried by the DC-10 in the later part of it’s career. I have included the dates for which Northwest operated, from 1926 when they were delivering mail to the final 2010 passenger flight, as well as the dates Northwest operated the DC-10, 1972 to 2007. Lastly I have included the names (and dates of the change) under which Northwest operated. I really enjoyed putting this print together. I think in the future I will try and do more of these type prints. I could do a who series of prints commemorating the last days of famous airlines. Email me and let me know what you think.

One last thing……. the Vancouver Olympics has begun, and good luck to all athletes……….. oh and ….. GO TEAM USA …..USA USA USA!


Feb 3, 2010 New Art Added

Well it has been awhile hasn’t it. Here are some new caricatures. I have finally completed a C-130. This time we have a KC-130J. The newest Hercules tanker used by the Marines. Usually in the US Navy and Marine Corp squadrons one aircraft is designated the Commanders bird and is adorn in more colorful markings. This caricature depicts a VMGR-352 “The Raiders” KC-130J, based in San Diego, at MCAS Miramar and is part of the Third Marine Air Wing. As I do each caricature I am trying to improve the level of detail to each piece. I think this caricature is some of my best detail work to date. I have been working on my line work and trying to add some of the rivets and panel fasteners to each art work. This improves the over all look of the art. This aircraft has plenty of rivets especially on the rear section. I really like the way it came out.

Second we have a new Hornet caricature, the F/A-18D. Yes we have several Hornet caricatures, but this is the first two seat “Legacy” Hornet. With the new Super Hornet (F/A-18E/F) now operational, the older Hornets (F/A-18A/B/C/D) are know as “Legacy Hornets”. So here we have our first F/A-18D. This time I choose to do a Hornet operated by VMFAT-101 “The Sharpshooters” again based at MCAS Miramar with VMGR-352.The Sharpshooters are the Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornet training squadron. In fact they also train Navy pilots that are assigned to fly the Hornet. That is why VMFAT-101 aircraft carry the words Navy on the right side and Marines on the left side of their aircraft. VFA-125 is the Navy’s training Squadron for Hornet pilots as well.

Well I hope you enjoy the new art. Currently I have several caricatures in the works. I have completed the drawing and inking of a KC-10 Tanker, a Reaper UAV, and a E-2 Hawkeye. These are next on the list to be painted. In fact I have already started the Reaper. The KC-10 looks really cool and I can’t wait to get to it. I also think I will be doing a airline version of the KC-10. a DC-10. I have not chosen a paint scheme yet so if anyone out there has any suggestions….. just let me know.