Neptune’s Trident

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all had a great holiday. First up today is a new caricature the Lockheed P2V Neptune. This caricature has been one I have wanted to do for many years. May dad served with VP-1 and worked on the Neptune. He even flew a few patrols while VP-1 was deployed to Okinawa. So I finally finished my first P2V caricature. The put together a special print with pictures of my dad while he was in the Navy. So this is one of those special prints. Coming soon for a client will be a follow up P2V this time a P2V-7. He wants to honor his father as well. So look for it soon. Just need to finish small details and it will be ready.

D.E.Cherry AN US Navy ret. P2V-5 Neptune

Next up today is another commission. This one we completed several months ago and was a Christmas present for the clients husband. Another RV-8 painted like a F4U Corsair in the US Navy Tri blue scheme. Follow up picture shows proud RV=8 owner standing next to his aircraft print in hand. Thanks again and glad he liked the print. A side note the client found us becasue of the sponsor logo we had on Sam Swifts biplane Hot Stuff at this years Reno air races. So much thanks again the Swift racing.

That about does it for new art we have completed, but there is lots of new stuff coming soon. (new 777-300F, P-61 Black Widow, new racers especially sport class, and a few much more.)

Happy Holidays BH

New Air Racing Prints

Hey Everyone, Happy Holidays. Thanksgiving has past and we are on the home stretch for the Christmas season and the end of the year. Something everyone is hoping to lead to a better new year. Okay today we add two new racing prints. I have combined a couple racers into a combo prints showing close up Air Racing.

The first print I call Power Sport. It combines the two powerhouse racers in the Sport class, a Super Glasair II, Race 39 flown by Jeff LaVelle, a multiple National Champion and One Moment, a Super Legacy Lancair flown by Andrew Findlay. One Moment has the distinction of braking the 400 MPH mark for the class. This would put her in the mid to upper level of the Unlimited class. Quite impressive for a home built racer powered by a 6 cylinder race engine. The Sport Class is probably the future of air racing. Reno Sport Class.

One Moment and Race 39 Reno Air races. Sport Class Air racing

The next new print combines to rivals in the T-6 class. Miss Ellaneous and Miss Humboldt Hunny. Miss Ellaneous is an SNJ, raced by Bill Muszala, while Miss Humbolt Hunny, race 73, is a T-6G. Both of these aircraft seem to battle all week finishing either one two in their heat races. Sometime trading places at the finish. Miss Humboldt Hunny flown by Ralph Rina finished the 2019 races winning the Bronze race. Just a reminder I have individual prints of all these aircraft available in the racer section of this web site.

Air Racing, T6 Class Reno Air races, Drag Racing. Miss Ellaneous and Miss Humboldt Hunny.