Finally we have new caricatures to add to the site. It has been awhile and we have a few additions for you.
First up is a new A-4C from VA-146 Blue Diamonds. This caricature is a commission for a gentleman the served with VA-146 in 1967 and was awarded the DFC for actions against river patrol boats. The mission was tasked with locating and destroying some patrol craft in the Red River Valley. LT(jg) Jeffrey Kral located, and destroyed a patrol boat while under accurate, continuous automatic weapons fire. He was awarded the DFC for the Aug, 12th Mission.

It was a pleasure working with Mr Kral to create these caricatures. One includes the DFC Certificate and the Citation faded over a background of a river area. The other is the usual side profile.
Next up is a EA-50 Eclipse Business jet. This particular aircraft was flown by my nephew for his new job. He was checked out in the aircraft in Scottsdale so we added a IFR chart and a heavy cloud background. We also did a version with a photo my nephew took while flying the aircraft. I thought that a perfect background. We also have a few other backgrounds we were contemplating. If you want to see then check out our Facebook page.

Next up is a couple of Air Racers, both from the T-6 class. Miss Everything, and the 2014 and 2015 National Champion Midnight Miss III. Miss Everything was flown for many years by Ralph Rina a two time National Champion in the bird. Miss Everything since changed owners a few times and won more Championships, and is still racing at Reno. Midnight Miss III is the current two time champion. The caricature of Midnight Miss is sort of a work in progress. I need to get a few detail pictures to add some of the text and details on the rights side. I think there is a pin-up art work near the name but have not seen a good picture of it so I can recreate it for the caricature. Plus crew names and some sponsor information on that side. If you have any pictures to share so i can add the details shoot me an email.

Last but not least is a new addition to my “Sunset Series”. This time the F-4E. So far we have the F-14 and F-16 caricatures with sunset backgrounds, and we hope to add more in the future. This art work received a lot of feedback on our Facebook page. So check it out and let us know what you think.