Lancair Racer and new Corsair caricature

Hello again. Just added a new air racing caricature, a Lancair Legacy from the sport class, Modo Mio, raced by Vince Walker. Modo Mio had a good Reno in 2019 qualifying 13th, at 289.157, with a best finish of 1st in heat 3B with a speed of 320.092mph and then finishing 5th in the gold final at 3311.492. Well Done Vince and crew. A very colorful racer. Just love the Lancair Legacy lines. Seem to be a perfect racing air frame.

Modo Mio, Lancair Legacy, Sport class racer flown by Vince Walker.

Next up a new F4U-D Corsair from VMF351, which flew off the escort carrier CVE-109 Cape Gloucester. The CO was Lt Col Donald Yost who had 6 kills while flying F4F Wildcats, then added two more in the Corsair.

Ly. Col D. Yost F4U Corsair of VFM-351 off the Cape Gloucester, CVE-109

hope to be adding a few more very soon. Have a couple commissions on the books so we can look forward to that. BH

Retro DC3 from 737

Hey all, Okay I was at my day job and was thinking how the Boeing 737 could be considered the DC-3 of it’s time. So it inspired me to create Boeing’s next big thing after the 737 MAX debacle, the B737/DC-3r retro liner. Taking a page from the auto industry they create a retro looking airliner. DC3 style fuselage and tails with new turbo fans and modern wings with winglets. I did one in Boeing hose colors and one in the colors of my day job, GLS, so it would be the cargo version. After the first one I add a bit of caricature to the GLS and Boeing prototype.

Next up is a nod to Hank Caruso the famous caricature artist with my version of the ERJ -175 in American Eagle livery, and Compass Airlines. Compass has unfortunately since gone out of business mostly because of Covid, but also the loss of American as a business partner.

Have a great day and enjoy the art. Any suggestions please feel free to contact me and let me know what you would like to see next. Currently I am working on a QF-16 for a past client, and a new A-4C for another DFC winner.

Voodoo Speed record Prints

Hello all

As stated in an earlier post I updated my  Voodoo Caricature with the new Speed record scheme and the Reno Scheme. Now I have put together a print to honor both the Red Baron flown by Steve Hinton to world record in 1979 and his son Steve Hinton Jr who flew Voodoo this year to a new world record. You can find both in the Air Racers section. BH

Red Baron Voodoo