Hey everyone we finally added some art. When I first started doing these caricatures I was using color pencil and then moved on to water color and then airbrushing before going to computer art. One of the first aircraft I did was the P-61 Black Widow, one of my favorite aircraft of WWII. Well I finally revisited the old caricature and updated it using the same techniques I have been using for the last several years. “Lady in the Dark{, one of the most famous Widows and an OD and Gray P-61, “Nocturnal Nemesis” from the 421st NFS, Check them out in the Fighter/Propeller section.

Also new is a civilian version of the DC-9 caricature I did a few years ago. In fact I have added 4 different paint schemes. Two for KLM, one TWA and a northwest Air version. Besides the DC-9 I recently finished a commission for a past client the Cargo B777 in Kallitta Air colors.
Finally I added a new F-100 commission.