Something New- Garden Flags

Hey everyone,

We are trying out a few companies that can do Garden flags. I have tried three so far, two are very similar and one is a it more heavy weight. I like the to lighter ones best. If anyone is interested just let me know. So far I have thought of using the air racers on the examples, but could design others, The Vintage racing style posters I created work perfectly. Flags are 12″x18″, This one is proudly hanging in my front yard. 

Voodoo Garden Flag

New caricatures added.

Hello everyone.

Today we added a few new caricatures. Two custom commissions, a C-130H with MAFFs firefighting gear, and a Cessna 182. We also added a new air racer, Ed Weiner’s, Bardahl Miss from 1968 Reno Air Races. This is one of my favorite racers, and I even did a regular profile back when I was air brushing some art. I hope to do a couple other versions of his pylon racer, the early bronze color and the wild tiger strip version. I might add those two to my regular side profiles. Reno is just a few months away so I hope to get out a few more racers.

Bardahl Miss


Voodoo Speed record Prints

Hello all

As stated in an earlier post I updated my  Voodoo Caricature with the new Speed record scheme and the Reno Scheme. Now I have put together a print to honor both the Red Baron flown by Steve Hinton to world record in 1979 and his son Steve Hinton Jr who flew Voodoo this year to a new world record. You can find both in the Air Racers section. BH

Red Baron Voodoo

New Racers and a new DC-3

Well Reno National Championship Air Racers have come and gone. Still going through withdrawal. Love the races and lets hope we can make it up there next year and do a booth.  In the mean time I have been finishing up a few caricatures and doing some repaints to a couple of my regular profiles. First up is a commission I recently did for a client. The DC-3 Clipper Tabitha May. Love this look of this beautiful aircraft.

Clipper Tabitha May

Next up is a couple of racers from the recent Reno Air races. Sparky and Wee Willy II. We Willy is part of the Planes of Fame and I had done a profile of this bird awhile back, so took this time to modify the paint scheme to reflect the markings she wore at the racers this year.

Wee Willy II 2016

Next was another regular profile of Sparky. the air racer I did a few years ago as a caricature. This time she is wearing a new paint scheme for 2016. Sparky on one side and Blondie on the other. And with the completed regular profile I had to repaint the caricature to match the new scheme.

P51D Sparky 2016

P-51D Sparky

That about does it for this update. I hope to be doing more racers soon. If you don’t see you favorite racer just let me know. We love working on commissions.


New Air Racer, Sumthin Else

I can’t believe it has been since July that I have posted an updated. I have been busy working on a few commissions that are under wraps until they are presented to the intended. In the mean time I have had a chance to finally finish one of the air racers I have always wanted to do. The National champion from 1979, beating out the famous Red Baron who was just seconds away from a forced belly landing which destroyed the racer and badly injured the pilot, is the modified P-51 Mustang “Sumthin Else”. Owned and racer by Mr. John Crocker. I have long thought that this racer which was previously know as Miss Foxy Lady, raced by Ken Burnstien, had a very attractive and simple paint scheme. In the later years the paint scheme changes to a very dark blue and white, but this is how she looked in 1979. After Mr Crocker pass, the plane was sold and became a TF-51D owned by Stallion 51 and carries the name Crazy Horse II. Another modified racer that has been converted back to stock form. I have added two version, one with standard side profile and one with background. Check out the Air Racer section for this and more Air Racers.

Sumthin Else Art

I also have added my first Bristol Beaufighter to my ever growing Air Force, I have painted this in in the markings of 417th Fighter Squadron while based in Corsica. Hopefully I will do either a RAF or New Zealand AF version.


Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July to all my customers, friends family and fans. Hope you have a great holiday and enjoy a bit of American BBQ and fun.

Okay for this Fourth OI put together a really cool print with the Blue Angles and Thunderbirds combining to salute to the good old USA. Prints are 12×17 and we can also do prints on Metal in various sizes. judging by the 20×30 sunset print I had done on metal this one will look awesome.

Next up, while I as at it this weekend I I added another Air Racer, this time from the early days of Reno and air racing in the 1960’s The P-51K “Little One” racer by Lyle Shelton. Yes the same Lyle Shelton that flew the Bear to so many Championships. The was his first taste of Air Racing. He flew this Mustang owned by Richard Vartanian. Later this racer would become “Tonopah Miss” and carried race 12, in the 64 and 65 Reno Air Races.

Fourth of July 2016Little One

Okay there you have it the newest caricatures. Have a great Fourth!


Penhall Mustang

Hello everyone

Today we add a new racer to my Air Racer collection. The Leroy Penhall owned and raced P-51D. I loved the color scheme and the recent Mustangs International Magazine included a nice color shot of this wonderful racer. I started by doing my usual caricature version as well as one with a nice cloud background ‘in action’ piece. I then added another regular proportioned side profile to the mix. I am looking to add Seattle Miss the Mustang raced by Ben Hall around the same time as the Penhall Mustang. I am just drawn to those racers.

If anyone has suggestions for future caricatures or is looking for a special art work just drop me a line.

Race 81 PenhallLeroy Penhall's Race 81Penhall Mustang Art

New Side Profile Mustang

Hey Again.

I also just finished and new regular side profile, another P-51D. This time the Planes of Fame P-51D Wee Willy II. I also have this same aircraft in a caricature version. If you looking for a regular side profile Mustang just send me an email and we can work it up for you. If you want to see more regular side profiles let me know what you would like to see me do next. Check out the fighter propeller section to see the new art.


Lou IV race 19 from 1985

Well I am back to add another air racer. This time a P-51D “stock” racer from 1985. I always liked this colorful scheme and have many slide images from Reno 85 and 86 to draw from. Here is race 19 Lou IV owned and raced by Tom Kelly and John Dilley. In 85 Lou IV finished 1st in the Silver final, flown by Mr. Kelly. It is interesting looking back at my pictures from those years. I noticed that in  85 Lou IV had racing wing tips and in 86 had regular Mustang wing tips. Those into accuracy will note the winning time on the print is wrong. Yes I noticed it after I uploaded the image. The winning time show on the print is for the 86 Gold race where she finished 6th. The winning Silver time should be 374.418. Rest assured that the final print has been changed to reflect the correct time. Next up is Sumthin Else, John Crockers Championship winning Mustang.

P51D Lou IV