Black Widow

Hey everyone we finally added some art. When I first started doing these caricatures I was using color pencil and then moved on to water color and then airbrushing before going to computer art. One of the first aircraft I did was the P-61 Black Widow, one of my favorite aircraft of WWII. Well I finally revisited the old caricature and updated it using the same techniques I have been using for the last several years. “Lady in the Dark{, one of the most famous Widows and an OD and Gray P-61, “Nocturnal Nemesis” from the 421st NFS, Check them out in the Fighter/Propeller section.

P-61 Black Widow Lady in the Dark.

Also new is a civilian version of the DC-9 caricature I did a few years ago. In fact I have added 4 different paint schemes. Two for KLM, one TWA and a northwest Air version. Besides the DC-9 I recently finished a commission for a past client the Cargo B777 in Kallitta Air colors.

Finally I added a new F-100 commission.

New Racers and a new DC-3

Well Reno National Championship Air Racers have come and gone. Still going through withdrawal. Love the races and lets hope we can make it up there next year and do a booth.  In the mean time I have been finishing up a few caricatures and doing some repaints to a couple of my regular profiles. First up is a commission I recently did for a client. The DC-3 Clipper Tabitha May. Love this look of this beautiful aircraft.

Clipper Tabitha May

Next up is a couple of racers from the recent Reno Air races. Sparky and Wee Willy II. We Willy is part of the Planes of Fame and I had done a profile of this bird awhile back, so took this time to modify the paint scheme to reflect the markings she wore at the racers this year.

Wee Willy II 2016

Next was another regular profile of Sparky. the air racer I did a few years ago as a caricature. This time she is wearing a new paint scheme for 2016. Sparky on one side and Blondie on the other. And with the completed regular profile I had to repaint the caricature to match the new scheme.

P51D Sparky 2016

P-51D Sparky

That about does it for this update. I hope to be doing more racers soon. If you don’t see you favorite racer just let me know. We love working on commissions.


Silver Dragon

After attending the Planes of Fame air show I was inspired by one of the aircraft that attended the show. The A-26 Invader, Silver Dragon. This highly polished warbird is a tribute the men who flew the Invader in combat in WWII. She is painted to represent an aircraft that flew with the 552nd Bomb Squadron with the 386th Bomb Group in Europe. This my first A-26 caricature and hopefully not the last. I am currently working on a gear down version of Silver Dragon. I hope to have that done very soon. This time I added a bit of backgrounds and framing.There is also a second version of the Dragon with gear down. I have only done a few of these with gear down, and look to do a few more.  Let me know what you think.

A-26A-26 Silver Dragon

DC-3 / C53 caricature

Hey everyone.

Just finished up a new caricature. This time a local resident at Cable Airport (KCCB). The C53D/DC-3A operated by Aviator Flight Training. This aircraft was built as C-53D serial number 42-68738. She saw action in Sicily and France. In 1945 after returning to US where she was converted to DC-3A standards and flew with TWA as #303 NC86558. In 1949 she was operated by Northeast Airlines and in 1951 flew with United Airlines. From 52 on till early 2000’s  she was then flown by numerous owners until 2013 when Aviator Flight Training bought her and fly her out of Cable Airport.


I want to add a nice background with Cable tower in the backgrounds and a version with the history added. Look for those soon.