New Air Racing Prints

Hey Everyone, Happy Holidays. Thanksgiving has past and we are on the home stretch for the Christmas season and the end of the year. Something everyone is hoping to lead to a better new year. Okay today we add two new racing prints. I have combined a couple racers into a combo prints showing close up Air Racing.

The first print I call Power Sport. It combines the two powerhouse racers in the Sport class, a Super Glasair II, Race 39 flown by Jeff LaVelle, a multiple National Champion and One Moment, a Super Legacy Lancair flown by Andrew Findlay. One Moment has the distinction of braking the 400 MPH mark for the class. This would put her in the mid to upper level of the Unlimited class. Quite impressive for a home built racer powered by a 6 cylinder race engine. The Sport Class is probably the future of air racing. Reno Sport Class.

One Moment and Race 39 Reno Air races. Sport Class Air racing

The next new print combines to rivals in the T-6 class. Miss Ellaneous and Miss Humboldt Hunny. Miss Ellaneous is an SNJ, raced by Bill Muszala, while Miss Humbolt Hunny, race 73, is a T-6G. Both of these aircraft seem to battle all week finishing either one two in their heat races. Sometime trading places at the finish. Miss Humboldt Hunny flown by Ralph Rina finished the 2019 races winning the Bronze race. Just a reminder I have individual prints of all these aircraft available in the racer section of this web site.

Air Racing, T6 Class Reno Air races, Drag Racing. Miss Ellaneous and Miss Humboldt Hunny.

New Air Racers Added

We have added several new poster style versions of our Air Racing caricatures. Please check them out in the air racers section. I think they are very cool and look like vintage racing posters. I am looking into the possibility of creating garden flags so fans can display their favorite team./ racer.

We have also added a new Formula One racer the Cassutt IIIM, Sleeper. (see above) This air racer is owned by Josh Phillipson (who also owns and pilots, No Strings Attached) and piloted in 2019 by Des Hart. There are three versions, out regular profile, a version of Sleeper crossing the home pylon, and one of the new racing strip series.

New caricatures added.

Hello everyone.

Today we added a few new caricatures. Two custom commissions, a C-130H with MAFFs firefighting gear, and a Cessna 182. We also added a new air racer, Ed Weiner’s, Bardahl Miss from 1968 Reno Air Races. This is one of my favorite racers, and I even did a regular profile back when I was air brushing some art. I hope to do a couple other versions of his pylon racer, the early bronze color and the wild tiger strip version. I might add those two to my regular side profiles. Reno is just a few months away so I hope to get out a few more racers.

Bardahl Miss


Voodoo Speed record Prints

Hello all

As stated in an earlier post I updated my  Voodoo Caricature with the new Speed record scheme and the Reno Scheme. Now I have put together a print to honor both the Red Baron flown by Steve Hinton to world record in 1979 and his son Steve Hinton Jr who flew Voodoo this year to a new world record. You can find both in the Air Racers section. BH

Red Baron Voodoo

New Art… finally

Hey everyone. Sorry it have been so long since I have posted an update. I have been feverishly working on some new art and several commissions. Currently I am working one three different 747’s all for a client at UPS. We have completed a 747-400CF a 747-400 BCF and we are currently working on a new 747-800CF. We completed a Mooney for a client and have just finished a Pitts S-1 for the same client. We are doing a repaint on an SR-22 for another customer as well as a few more commissions. We also have added a few more art pieces of some existing caricatures. as well as a special car caricature for a local landmark here in So Cal. I also  added a new caricature with character. This time a FJ Fury. I plan on doing several versions of this caricatures in several different media. I have completed the standard digital coloring version. I am trying to finish up a graphite version and have planned out a color pencil version.

I have added a new P-51 Racer from the early days of Reno. Race 9, a chocolate brownand white trimmed racer. Race 9 Adams

I also addded my first Jet Class racer, the 2016 National Champion winner, American Spirit, an Aero L-39 Albatross



I will try and post the images as soon as I can and I hope to make these updated a more regular occurrence.



Sport Class racers

Here are a couple of RV-8 Sport Class racers from this years Reno Air Races. I think the Sport Class will be the class (with F1 a close second) that will keep Air Racing going well into the future. The warbirds that everyone loves are just to rare these days and to costly to race regularly. I still love the unlimited class but time is the enemy of the big iron.

RV8 Race 76rv8race80web_jpg


Here are a few new Hornet caricatures I put together recently.

First up is the opposing solos from the Blue Angels exciting the crowd. (editors note: yes the Solo’s should not have an apostrophe and it has been fixed on the prints)


Also I put together this in memory of the Blues Solos pilot lost earlier this year while practicing for an Air Show.

F/A 18 Jeff Kuss BA6

And finally this one together the other day. VMFA (AW) 121 Green Knights F/A-18 Hornets on patrol. The G Knights now fly the new F-35

VMFA (AW)-121

Christmas Ornaments

Last year we offered a round clear Christmas ornament with small caricature image inside. The image is two sided and can have either Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas on the image. We have a small amount available. $10 plus shipping. Just email us to order your favorite caricature, to hang on your tree this year. The Voodoo/ Strega ornament is for those with allegiance to both teams… or you live in a house divided.  BHAVoodooorn1Sunsetorn

Corsair Caricature with Character

Every now and then I add a bit of character to my caricatures. In this case I had a possible client ask about doing a Corsair with more character. This was the result. While the customer like the art work it was not what he was looking for, This has sat on the back burner for some time now. I happen to share it on FB and it seemed to get a lot of likes so here it is the Angry Corsair. If there is enough interest i will see about adding more of these to the collection.

Angry Corsair